October 9, 2024

130 Years of Weather History

Speaker: Ken Friend,
Electrical Engineer, Retired, and Treasurer of Waterloo Technical Society 

Description:  Weather is often in the news as climate change is in the political domain. Weather refers to short term atmospheric conditions while climate is the weather of a specific region averaged over a long period of time. Climate change refers to long-term changes. At the time of this writing, climate alarmists claim that there are 4 years, 301 days and 18 hours left to limit global warming to an increase of 1.5 ° Centigrade.

 With this emerging crisis in the news and government policies shaped to meet this 1.5 ° C target, Ken has searched databases with 130 years of weather history to inform us of the long-term patterns in the weather. Notably, Ken will present data from these sources:

Reservations: reservations@waterlootechnicalsociety.org, by 11am Monday, October 7th

Social period: 5:30 P.M, September 11, 2024, Dinner: 6:00 P.M.

Program Chair: Steve Crouse

Guests are always welcome. We need your reservation to enable us to have a name tag for you as well as to send you a reminder in email. 

You are welcome to make a reservation for dinner or just come for the program. A program-only reservation is appreciated for a head count.


Family Restaurant

2627 Center Street, Cedar Falls

Meal Price: 

$22.00 includes meeting room, tax and gratuity.

Dinner includes: